Palm oil is the enemy of the heart


Production :
Palm oil is an vegetable oil derived from Pulp of the palm fruit produce on palm tree Elaeis guineensis. Kernel is the hard central part of the palm fruit, imparts their role in palm oil production. The palm oil produced by the Kernel of the same plant known as kernel oil which contains saturated fat upto 81%.

The high oil yield of the trees has promoted wider cultivation in Indonesia, leading to clearing of the rainforest, while some companies producing palm oil says they are producing 'sustainable palm oil, means that they are not deharvesting forest for cultivation of palm trees. It is very harmful for the natural habitat of endangered species Orangutan.

Orangutan is trying to stop the crane, you can see in picture

Indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil (40 million tonns) and Malaysia produces palm oil ranks second and they distributed palm oil throughout the world. the highly saturated nature of palm oil renders it solid at room temperature in temperate regions, making it substitute for butter & all vegetable oils. It is available at very cheap cost.

Article from the economist

1. Do you know what's the use of palm oil ? 

  palm oil is the big source of saturated fat which make us unhealthy and It is eating our lives because of unlimited use of it by us. palm oil is used in bakery products such as cookies,chips,bread is also used in beauty products such as lipistics, Most of the companies are using palm oil in manufacturing of creams and lotions. 

palm oil also used in animal feed. palm oil is also used for the production of methyl Ester and hydrogeneted biodiesel. Almost half of the palm oil consumed in Europe was burnt as car and truck fuel, as of 2018.

2. Fat obtained from palm oil is fatal for the heart : 

Fat is essential for number of functions in our body. Some vitamins dissolves in fat to fulfill the reqired body needs, shows its importance. But some dietary fats are dangerous and harmful for our body, they yield high calories and these fats are harmful for our heart and causes cardiovascular diseases.

Article from

3. Do you know about unhealthy fat ?

There are two main types of potentially harmful dietary fats, saturated fat and trans fat :

a). Saturated fat : 

It is obtained from palm oil & animal source of food red meet and full fat dairy products. it raises high density lipoprotein [ HDL] cholesterol and low density lipoprotein [ LDL] cholesterol levels which increases risk for cardiovascular or heart diseases.

b). Trans fat :

Trans fat naturally occurs in some foods in very small amount but most of the fats are made from oil through a food processing method called partial hydrogenation. these fat increases cholesterol and triglyceride level in blood.

4. Do you know what kind of fat is good for you ?

Foods made up mostly of Mono unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for health. They are liquid at room temperature such as olive oil, peanut oil, Sunflower oil, canola oil and corn oil.

a). Mono unsaturated fatty acids :

many studies have been made to show that Monosaturated fatty acids instead of saturated fat improves blood cholesterol levels in order to decrease risk of heart disease and also decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

b). Poly unsaturated fatty acids :

 This type of fatty acids obtained from plants. It is present in plant food and oils. In India, hindu traditional cure system is based on "ayurveda",  tells that polyunsaturated rich food from plants improves blood cholesterol level and imparts their role to decrease the heart diseases.

c). Omega 3 fatty acids : 

It is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid and beneficial for heart healthOmega 3 is found in some fatty fish and many plant producers. Omega 3 is found abundently in many plant products, such as soya bean flaxseed, Walnuts, butternuts and Chia seeds.

5. What precaution should we should have to take while choosing fat rich diet ?

You have to be very careful while taking fat rich diet because you know some fats are potentially good for health while others are harmful to your health.

 a). Try these tips to make over the fat in your diet. Focus on replacing foods high in saturated fat with foods that are rich in mono unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.
b).  To avoid trans fat check food labels and look for the amount of trans fat listed bye law a serving of food containing less than point 5 grams of trans fat can be labelled as zero grams therefore it's important to also check ingredient list for the term partially hydrogenated.
c). Use oil, instead of solid fats. example : saute with olive oil, instead of butter and use canola oil when baking.
d). Take smart snacks. Most of the processed foods are high in fat, specially solid fats. Be sure to check food labels for saturated and trans fats.It is better to take snacks on whole fruits and vegetables.
