Does hair loss treatment with minoxidil or PRP is worthy ?



Hair loss or male pattern baldness is an uncommon in human with elderly age specially in man. In younger age, early hair loss is a big problem. Generally symptoms started to appear in adolescence, the age between 20 - 30 years of age. Symptoms are like hair fall during bath, the hairs in comb, the hairs started to loss their shining and color turns black to brown - black. Presence of dandruff on the scalp are some signs that indicates that they need extra care.

Early hair loss in man 


There are lots of factor which may contribute and promote hair loss. In urban areas, the dust and polluted environment may harm your hairs. Lack of nutrients in our food is the another reason for hair loss. Depression and incomplete sleep also induces hair fall.excessive use of chemically riched shampoo is harmful for hairs. No use of hair oils in order to keep dry hair in fashion now a days, which may resultant as baldness in younger stage and we lost the hairs permanently.


Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a technique generally used to heal muscles, ligament injuries. PRP is found useful in hair loss treatment too, but It's a kind of method which requires treatment further in a definite time intervals continuously. PSP is three step process :
  1. Draining of blood from veins via injection
  2. Segregation of components of blood to get platelets
  3. Injection of platelets in scalp.
Many studies show that PSP is useful to treat androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness) and baldness arises due to stress.
When you go for PSP, you have to undergo treatment again and again in definite time interval such as 3–6 months, depending on what your doctor recommend after examin you. It may be painful at the place of injection on your scalp for a long time due to penetration of injection on scalp repeatedly in affected area. The PSP has not much side effects as your own blood is used in the process but the environment and hygiene condition at place or clinic you get treated may influence the whole procedure.when you stop the treatment, it is difficult to say how long your hairs retain on scalp.This is the drawback that discontinuation of treatment may lead you toward the earlier stage.


Minoxidil works as a vasodilator and it is alcohol based. yet it is used now a days for male pattern baldness but it's adverse effects are more prominent then benefits. For hair growth one should have to use it regularly for long period of time that may cause redness of scalp, dizziness, itching of skin, high breathing rate. Minoxidil also fail to treat the hair loss which occurs suddenly and due to the hereditary. It is very difficult to find out that who will be benefitted and who will suffer with the use of minoxidil.
 In brief, I would not suggest any of these two treatment because the results are not permanent and chances of side effects are prominent. I would suggest only ayurvedic treatment and second choice is hair transplant.


 Hair loss may be recover if one started attention towards hair fall problem in early stage.There are so many methods describing below :

 1. Ayurvedic treatment 

It is done by many practitioner in India with the help of herbs in natural way. The good thing about ayurvedic treatment is that the hair grows naturally without any side effect.

 2. Homeopathic treatment : 

It is another way to regain lost hairs with the use of medicines and oil your hairs with homeopathic treatment may grow but this is a time taking procedure with optimum results.

 3. Hair transplant : 

Now a days this technique is in Vogue, FUT and FUE method are used in a hygienic and controlled environment for regaining of hairs. In this technique we get a stripe or line of hairs with follicles from posterior part of scalp and get transplanted in the region of low density area of hairs on scalp. This method is using by many celebrities too.This is a costly treatment procedure. To avoid any infection or side effect, treatment should be taken with highly experienced proffesionals only.
