Importance of drinking water in copper vessel

Importance|Right time to drink|health benefits

Importance :
Copper is a soft, malleable and ductile metal with high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper surface appears pinkish orange in colour.
We can't avoid the importance of copper as a mineral. copper is essential for all living organisms as a trace dietary mineral. Our body cannot  synthesize copper, so we get it from dietary sources in our body. The copper is found in liver, heart, brain, kidney and skeletal muscles.

What's the right time of drinking water enriched with copper, kept in copper vessel ?

"Ayurveda" says drinking 3 glass (approx.900 ml) of water in early morning enriched with copper on empty stomach help balance all doshas (kapha, Pitta, vata) and it does so by positively charge of water.
Pure copper vessel

Copper is essential for several metabolic reactions in our body. Storing water in a copper vessel purify the w niater. It can kill all the microorganism such as fungi, bacteria, moulds (oligodynamic effect – property of metal to kill micro-organism), present in the water that could be dangerous for our health. Keep 3 glasses of water overnight in a jug or vessel and drink it in morning as you get up , without refreshing or gargle your mouth.
When water is stored in copper vessel for whole night, the copper ions leaches into water and gives all its positivity into the water.

Always ensure that bottle you are using is made of pure copper. The design of pure copper could not be complicated you can easily recognise the pure copper by its simple appearance.

Cleaning method for copper vessel:

 The bottle should not be rubbed with scrubber wash it gently with lemon juice and baking soda or salt. For best results, it should be done in night and leave it such as for 6 - 8 hours then hand wash in morning.

Health benefits of copper :

Recommended copper intake/day /adult is 900 micrograms and upper limit is 10 milligrams(mg) in a day.

Copper enhances your skin, to look younger :

Copper is known as strong antioxidant that helps in fighting of free radicals which are responsible for aging process, in the form of fine wrinkles and lines on our skin.Copper also helps in production of new and healthy skin cells.

Copper helps to controls BP & heart diseases :

Copper strengthen the circulatory system by regulating the cholesterol level in blood .It removes bad cholesterol out of body and ensures smooth blood flow in arteries. It decreases the chances of heart diseases.

Copper is good to loose weight :

Copper helps breakdown of extra fat and ensures elimination of extra fat out of body. 

Role in melanin production :

Copper is an important component in production of melanin .Our skin color, eyes and hair color is decided by the Melanin in our body. We all know that Melanin is important to save our skin from ultra violet rays of Sun which are known for production of free radicals.

Promote digestion : 

Copper Detox your stomach and eliminates all the harmful toxins and byproducts along with stools.

 Prevents anaemia : 

Copper together with iron helps body to make red blood cells.

Decreases cancer risk :

 Copper help to reduce the production of free radicals in our body which are responsible for damaging cells and DNA, leading to cancer and other fatal diseases.

Role in nervous system :

Copper helps in phospholipids production ,which is the important component of mylein sheath of neuron. Neuron is the unit of our nervous system which transmits the impulse from brain to organ and vice versa. Hence, we can say that copper plays an important role in strengthening of nervous system.

Role in immune system :

Copper strengthen our immune system. It's oligodynamic property to kill micro-organisms ,helps to boost our immune system.

Effect on Brain :

copper is somehow essential for brain, it works as stimulant for brain and deficiency of copper may cause Alzheimer disease , associated with brain. However copper deficiency is very rare

Role in arthritis :

 Copper is an important element found in skeletal muscles, has an ability to repair skeletal muscles, Drinking of water in copper vessel is useful for arthritis patients.


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