Foods for kidneys protection

Introduction Role of kidneys Symptoms of failure Protection by food selection

Kidneys are one of the most important organs in our body, responsible for elimination of waste products, toxins out of the body. Kidneys protection is important for good health. Kidneys are two in numbers and small in size, having bean shaped structure comprises of many small excretory units called nephron.

Human kidneys

When someone suffers with kidney failure or get infected with diseases in kidneys, he or she should go through dialysis, which is a process of purification of whole body blood. It is a very painful procedure as nobody would like to face dialysis. Dialysis itself responsible for several side effects too. On other hand, another option is kidney transplantation from the donar having same blood group. But sometimes body rejects the transplanted kidneys from the donar, in spite of having same blood group. It is very important for us to know that what we eat is enough for kidneys protection or not.

Role of kidneys in our body :

All of our body blood passes through kidneys many times in a day as kidneys function is to drain all the toxins and waste products dissolved in blood. when the blood passes through the glomerulii, a part of nephron and after that these toxins and waste products passes out to ureter and finally excreted out of the body as urine. Kidneys regulate the fluid level in our body and also balances the electrolyte level by resorption of Na+ ions from the blood and passes out into urine.

How we come to know that our kidneys are not functioning well ?

Here are some signs and symptoms which clearly indicates that your kidneys are not working properly :

  • Frequent urination specially in night.
  • Foamy urine
  • Reddish pink color of urine
  • Excessive thrust
  • Edema (a condition in which body parts get swollen)
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Intense abdominal pain radiating towards back side

How can we improve the functioning of kidneys and what kind of food is good for kidneys protection ?

Drink sufficient amount of water in a day :

An adult human body requires 10 - 12 glasses of water per day. Approx 6 litre of water we should intake for replenish the body fluid and maintain the blood concentration. The optimum intake of water lowers the risk of hypertension as the blood get diluted by water, the blood flows slowly in arteries which becomes dilated, helps in lowering of the blood pressure. water helps kidneys to dissolve toxins and waste substances which are harmful for our body such as creatinine, urea etc. obtained as byproducts by the use of drugs and metabolism of food.

Intake less amount of salt :

Excessive salt in our body harmful in many ways, the excess of Na+ (sodium ions) in salt is not good for bones, it dissolves the bone's phosphorus & calcium and makes the bone fragile and may leads to osteoporosis. high intake of salt increases the kidney's workload to flush out extra sodium and calcium ions out of the body. The excessive ions may get deposited in nephrons and block them leading to stone formation and the over working of kidneys may lead to kidney failure. 

Foods for kidneys protection :

Foods having low calcium, potassium and phosphorus are kidney friendly listed below.

  1. Cauliflower : Rich in vitamin c, vitamin k and vitamin B folate. It is rich in fibers too. This vegetable have anti–inflammatory properties, plays role in kidneys protection.
  2. Cabbage : It is rich in fibers, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin B. It helps in digestion providing bulk to bowel in gut.It also has sodium , potassium and phosphorus in very less quantity.
  3. Red bell peppers : it has lots of nutrients but low potassium alongwith abundent vitamin C and vitamin A. vitamin a is essential for the development of immune system which is compromised in patients having renal disorders.
  4.  Blueberries : Bilebarries are rich in nutrients they contains anthocyanins, an antioxidents. antioxidents are required for good health of visceral organs, in addition, they lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. blueberries contains low phosphorus ,calcium and sodium. it also imparts their role in kidney protection.
  5. Garlic : garlic contains sulfur and very less amount of sodium, potassium and phosphorus.It is a good source of manganese, vitamin C. It improves the health if given to patient suffering with kidney diseases.
  6. Onion : Onions are good for digetion and it helps to feed the gut bacteria. It contains vitamin C , manganese and vitamin B. 
  7. Cherries : Cherries contains phytochemicals and antioxidents, good for heart and have anti- inflammatory role in body.
  8. Cranberries : They are known for protection of gall bladder and lining of gastro-intestinal tract and decreses the risk of cancer and heart diseases.
  9. Pineapples : Pineapples have less potassium and they are rich in fibre and vitamins, sweet in taste having anti - inflammatory property.
  10. Radish : Rich source of vitamin C and antioxident.
  11. Apple : Apple contains high fibers and anti -inflammatory compounds, good for heart as it reduces cholestrol in our body.
  12. Strawberries : It is a rich source of anti - oxidants and fibers. It contains abundant vitamin C and manganese having anti - inflammatory properties. 
Prevention is better than cure, I hope you understand the importance of health and you will consult with your dietitian and you will include some of given foods for kidney protection into your healthy diet.we will back soon again with an healthy topic.For any queries comment in comment section, I will give you the answer as soon as possible.
