11 Important things to do, before going to bed

We have heard an ancient proverb so many times by our parents and grandparents, in childhood days "early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise".

Six hours sound sleep is important for an adult human, in order to maintain a good health The right time to go in bed is,on or before 10 o'clock.
This blog is about to do 11 things prior going to bed to stay healthy and fit.

1. Take shower :

After a long day work when you come to home take a shower, according to the weather. If you live in temperate region then take a bath with cold water preserve in your indoor tank. Otherwise take bath with luke warm water. It will cool down your body stress and will remove all dust, infection, sweat came you along with in home.

Take shower

When you go to bed you make ensure that you are in a night suit or wearing a loose clothes on your body. It makes your body comfortable and in relax mode. If you wear ventilated clothes, it also normalize your blood pressure and stimulates the nervous system. The Brain gets the message that body is in resting mode, then it also stop to think and you fall asleep easily.

wear loose clothes

3. Meditation :

It's a very good practice before going to bed. There are so many ways to meditate but I prefered one easy way for meditation is to sit on bed with straight body posture. Put your hands on your knees then close your eyes and start to concentrate on forehead, in the space between your eyes for 5 minutes. Take deep breath in slowly then hold for 30 - 45 seconds and then breath out slowly. Repeat the breathing pattern for 5 minutes at least. Meditation will make you feel the peace of mind and soul.

4. Reading a book :

Reading a book at the bed time is a good exercise for your bain. It makes your eyes to work out and rest body parts are in resting stage then your eyes get tired after some time and brain started to give stimulation for sleep to eyes. Many studies shows that reading book of your choice in bed time make you feel good and help you fall asleep. even this trick is used for the patient suffering with INSOMNIA.

book reading in bed

5. Listen light music :

At bed time listen slow beats and light music to feel happy and it help to take you away from the stressful long working day toword calm, pleasant and healthy sleep. You will find that it helps to fall you asleep effortlessly.

6. Drink a glass of milk or water :

The best time to take a glass of milk is bed time. Milk is a complete diet having full of nutritional value.always take milk at night to get it's maximum nutritional benefit. It's an another topic that "why we should drink milk at night ", we will cover it in another blog.
            If you don't like milk you can take a full glass of water it helps to regulate blood pressure and replenishes your body fluid.

7. Brush your teeth :

Don't forget to brush your teeth after a glass of milk otherwise the remnants of milk drops in your oral cavity can make your tooth carious then you have to visit your dentist to overcome such troubles. Hence make it habit to do brush your teeth twice in a day.

8. Play or talk with your loved one's :

It's a good habit to overcome from the stressful day. Talk with your loved one's and play with them. you will feel better and your mind along with your heart, will feel love and affection leading you towards a sweet journy of dreams and healthy sleep.

9. Make a plan for tomorrow :

If you you plan your next day in night. such as keep your documents at right place, make ensure that your bag or suitcase has all things at their place and your clothes are pressed, shoes are polished and kept at right place. It will definitely lower your stress in next morning and save your lots of time to do more morning activities.

10. Don't forget God to say thanks :

Don't forget to prayer God for making your life and day beautiful and to give a chance to see next morning again in your life. It will give you satisfaction and inspired you to do your best in next day with full enthusiasm.

11. Switch off the lights :

 Switch off the lights, If you don't feel comfortable in a dark, you can use a night lamp having dim light. Feel the ambience created by putting dim lights in the bedroom. It will help you to fall asleep quickly.
